Earlier today I was watching a John Oliver video on Food Waste in America, which was really interesting and it’s insane how much food is wasted in the States… Canada wastes a lot (31 Billion a year), and we do have a smaller population, but in the US its over 100 Billion a year… Another […]

Bill C-231

Bill C-231 was a introduced as the First Reading, February 24, 2016. However it had failed  Oct. 5, 2016 Failed. This Bill was introduced to bring awareness to Food Waste in Canada as well as develop a National strategy on how to combat food waste. Below is my re writing of the Bill (my additions are […]

Composting in Residence

Growing up in a small towns I have never had much opportunity to compost because of the wildlife and dangers surrounding that. But now living in Calgary I have the opportunity to compost! But only in certain parts of the University… Throughout campus there are tons of garbage and recycling bins, and in Mac Hall […]


The other day I had a huge brainstorm where I wrote down a bunch of questions surrounding food waste and sources to hopefully answer the questions: Will food waste reduction work towards the solution of our global challenge?   Compost facilities Portion of compost goes to community gardens and greenhouses Maybe certain amount of compost […]

Desalination Research

(Megan) What would make the most sense to transport water over long distances if necessary? Pipelines? Trucks? What would it cost?   (http://www.who.int/water_sanitation_health/economic/chapter7.pdf ) Water can be distributed through 1) a pipeline, 2) mobile units such as tanker trucks and other forms of mobile vending i.e. animal drawn carts and 3) containers that people in […]

Structured Controversy

Be it resolved that all garbage and waste is recycled or burnt and used for energy. United Nations ( Kazoka, L. “UNEP Underscores Need for Garbage Recycling.” Africa News Service, 25 Jan. 2017. World History in Context, link.galegroup.com/apps/doc/A478773521/WHIC?u=ucalgary&xid=74bbc1ab. Accessed 30 Oct. 2017. Retrieved October 29 ) http://ic.galegroup.com.ezproxy.lib.ucalgary.ca/ic/whic/NewsDetailsPage/NewsDetailsWindow?disableHighlighting=&displayGroupName=News&docIndex=&source=&prodId=&mode=view&limiter=&display-query=&contentModules=&action=e&sortBy=&windowstate=normal&currPage=&dviSelectedPage=&scanId=&query=&search_within_results=&p=WHIC&catId=&u=ucalgary&displayGroups=&documentId=GALE%7CA478773521&activityType=BasicSearch&failOverType=&commentary=   Although it’s a small article, it explains […]

The Most Important Dimension Project

Government is the most important dimension to solving our global challenge because governments have the resources and widespread influence to promote and enforce actions towards a solution, while also being held accountable. Governments have the ability to keep processes consistent and organized and distribute tasks properly to different ministries and organizations where they can be […]