Keeping in Contact

This class pushed us outside our comfort zones to go out and speak to the community, extend the olive branch and listen to the experts. For obvious reasons this was an incredibly daunting task, but it was necessary to truly understand the perspectives we needed for our innovations. Our group got in contact with many people […]

April Fools

This post is a little bit late, but on April 1st I celebrated my 19th birthday! Throughout this past year I have tried to take on a bit of a minimalist/zero waste(ish) approach to my belongings, and what I was/am buying. So, for my birthday my mom got me glass straws (Canadian made, of course). […]


The global challenges class has done a lot for me. Whether that be by helping me change my day to day life to revolve around a more sustainable and conscious path, or by providing me with opportunities to attend a dinner which allowed me to proudly share my innovation with people who eagerly listened. Through […]


When you start university, you definitely expect to be treated more like an adult. For the most part, you are treated as an adult, but often times you’re still treated as a “student”. What that means is,  you’re still treated as though you are in high school. (especially if you’re in first year). People still […]


In Canada $31 Billion is wasted in food on an annual basis. The bulk of it (47%) comes from consumers, and they have an important role to play in ending food waste, however our group believes that to make a significant dent in food waste it needs to start at the retail level (10%). We […]