- What would make the most sense to transport water over long distances if necessary? Pipelines? Trucks? What would it cost?
(http://www.who.int/water_sanitation_health/economic/chapter7.pdf )
Water can be distributed through 1) a pipeline, 2) mobile units such as tanker trucks and other forms of mobile vending i.e. animal drawn carts and 3) containers that people in communities use to move water from the supply point and store at home.
A large diameter water pipeline costs about $2 million per mile to build. So a water pipeline from Boston to Los Angeles, a distance of 2,600 miles, would cost about $5.2 billion to build. Then there’s the cost of harvesting all the snow.
Pipelines are usually capital cost items. The cost components of a pipeline consist of the costs of pipes, couplings and shut-off valves. There are also the earthworks needed to excavate pipe trenches, bedding for laying the pipes on, backfilling the pipeline trench after laying the pipe and labour. For the smaller diameters of pipes used in small systems, the capital costs are about constant and mostly independent of the pipe diameter. Maintenance costs are normally incurred to maintain valves. Operational costs will be incurred to fix major (breaks) and minor leaks in pipelines.
Mobile distribution might also require considerable capital investment depending on the type of system. For example, it may require investment in the truck or cart and the animals. The maintenance cost will be keeping the vehicles and tanks in a good mechanical state. Animals of course have to be kept in a healthy state physiologically, which will incur a cost. Operationally, the vehicles / animals have to be fuelled / fed.
Fresh Water Requirement: 5.7 Million Gallons Per Well. Truck Capacity: 160 Barrels (6,720 Gallons) Trucking Cost: $200/truck. Fresh water Cost: $0.35/barrel ($.0083/Gallon)
A container-based distribution system requires purchasing of the containers (a capital cost), and keeping the containers free from dirt and biofilm (a recurrent cost item). These costs can be considerable for a poor household and should be considered when attempting a cost-benefit analysis. The idea is that an intervention must be optimally effective at a minimum cost.. Costs that is often overlooked when assessing a small system will be those related to the inevitable water losses though especially the distribution part. These can be seen as operational or other costs once the loss-characteristics of a system are established.
Locally Sourced Container Delivery Costs
I gave one of my local shipping container suppliers a call to get some estimates and they quoted me $400 to transport a 20 foot container and $780 to transport a larger 40 foot container. This figure included the surcharge of unloading the container and the total journey distance was around 300 miles.
So for the 20 foot container it was roughly $1.33 per mile and for the larger 40 foot container around $2.60 per mile.
Internationally Sourced Container Delivery Costs
If you pay to ship them from Asia to the US it is extremely expensive. Depending on the number of containers you are shipping and the distance, you are looking at anywhere from $1,900-$23,000.
We mentioned above that the difference between delivering a 20 foot container and a 40 foot container is nearly double. The price rose from $400 to transport a 20 foot container to $780 to transport a larger 40 foot container.
However, in the states you can also purchase 56 foot containers- they aren’t as popular as the 40 foot containers but they do offer an additional 120 square foot of living space per container.
2. What are some things to consider if you flood an area to create a reservoir? What has happened where this has occurred in the world?
When you flood an area, that will make the entire ecosystem go into a frenzy. Hindering the surrounding area, rather than helping it. Not only are Non-homosapien, abiotic and biotic creators hurt, but when considering an area for a reservoir, it’s likely that their may be people living there already.
An example of a negative impact because of a reservoir would be if Ethiopia decided to put up a damn, in its country n the nile river. This would greatly affect, multiple countries including egypt where much of its usable water come from the nile river. This would then make it so that, the country would suffer, while Ethiopia would begin to greatly prosper. While this has not actually happened yet; it is believed that if not does than the war on water would officially begin.
Wirtschafter, J. (2017, October 03). Here’s why Egypt’s Nile River is in danger. Retrieved November 07, 2017, from https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2017/09/29/egypt-nile-river-danger/679222001/