Innovation Proposal Presentation

Powerpoint: Innovation Proposal

My Script:

  1. Title
  2. From Seed to Plate
    1. The complete ban of food waste in grocery stores throughout Canada;
    2. Contracts must be signed between the giving and receiving parties of donated food; to prevent vicarious liability in case of sickness;
    3. Compost facilities must be constructed in Canadian cities with populations greater than 100,000 people;
  3. Our Innovation
    1. We are planning on proposing a bylaw to the municipal council to make food waste in grocery stores illegal.
    2. Who do we need: the support of council, and cooperation of local organizations and grocery stores.
    3. Who does it serve: it serves the people of Calgary, and other small communities. It serves those who are food insecure. It helps the environment….
  4. Significance
    1. Take it back to grade 6 science, people need 4 things to survive:  Air, Water, Shelter, and Food.
    2. Food should be a human right, and if we neglect to provide food we should be in some way shape or form. Those who have the ability to provide, often neglect and waste it rather than donate it. So, if it is a necessity, why shouldn’t there be a penalty when it is wasted.
    3. The FAO states that even if just one-fourth of the food currently wasted globally could be saved, it would be enough to feed 870 million hungry people in the world
    4. We can’t promise that we will make change, because law and policy is tricky. But we know that by starting the conversation and getting the ball rolling, we can make even the slightest influence.
  5. The interviews
    1. Leftovers
      1. Lourdes, the head of the leftovers foundation was our first interview. She was incredibly helpful, and very supportive of our innovation. She really outlined that to solve food waste we need to tackle household and retail. But believes that policy is the best way to handle the retail level
  6. The Coup
    1. Dalia was a very friendly lady, and very for zero waste, and reusing anything that they can in their restaurant.
  7. Food Bank
    1. Mike and Shawna were very nice people to chat with, and they are incredibly familiar with what happens to food after, so to speak. Mike gave us an interesting new perspective saying that policy would only work if done properly. And that along with policy, different guidelines would be in order for what is an acceptable donation. He also gave us insight on his personal belief, that the policy would be very successful if it revolved around a rewards system, so tax cuts or breaks, would be good incentive to donate.
  8. Defining the innovation
  9. Key context factors and dynamics
  10. Stakeholder review
  11. Process
    1. Get in contact with stakeholders
    2. Set up an interview
    3. Conduct the interview
      1. Introductions and Formalities
      2. Questions and Answers
      3. Wrap up and Thank yous
    4. Post interview review and editing
  12. Questions
  13. Engagement
  14. The Team
  15. References


The main questions around our presentation had to do with:

  • How we would propose the bylaw? Whether through tax breaks (reward system) or fines (penalty system).
  • How we would monitor that grocery stores are following this law?

So far, I don’t have an answer, but more research is to come.