Wednesday, August 29, 2018
Theme: Ideation
I know that we don’t have to write a reflective statement for today because we did our reflecting when speaking with the faculty members today. But, I still feel like my ePortfolio needs to be consistent, and it’s kinda fun to reflect on the day’s work by putting my thoughts into words.
Today’s theme was ideation, and wow. I waited (somewhat) patiently for the very moment to be able to write out all of my crazy, brilliant, ridiculous ideas. However, when the time came, I could only think of 5ish. It’s interesting how the process has been able to help me mentally filter the ideas that don’t need to be put on the page. I already had all the questions, and the perspective of a small farmer, so I was able to tailor my solution ideas to answer the questions and needs of small farmers.
Basically, my idea was “community crop”, the idea surrounds a forum or a dinner, where farmers are brought together to share what information they have, and talk about the resources they need. The catch, is that no one shares their name or information about the farm they are with to avoid any bias based on farm size and such. They are all farmers, with voices, interested in helping small farms growing. After this event, data and information collected could be used toward a digital tool, an app, which would have a multitude of uses, from archived data log, to personalized farming programs.
I’m curious to see what prototyping will look like, and what kind of progress the team will make tomorrow.