Here is my Critical Reflective Statement written on April 1st
Dear Megan,
Wow, 32 years huh?
It is currently April 1st 2018, our 19th birthday, and we spent today in some pretty cold weather, doing some race photography for the JaJa Marathon. Anna did really great today and got 2nd for women, and 7th overall. All in all it was a very happy birthday!
Right now we’re enrolled in a course called “UNIV 203, Global Challenges, How to Feed 9 Billion People by the Year 2050”. This course has been truly life changing so I hope that you still remember it. And can I just add, that society desensitizes everything, and this class has really thrown some perspective back into our life. In the first semester we looked into “Seed to Plate” looking into all the different aspects of food waste, farming, transportation, retail, restaurants, households, and legislation. And now in this semester we are looking into municipal food waste at a retail level, looking into implementing a bylaw that makes it illegal for grocery stores to waste food. So far it’s going really well, nearly everyone we talk to is embracing the conversation and dis very interested in the bylaw.
In class this assignment is to write a letter to your future self, and answer these questions, so here goes;
How do you view the world in 2050 in terms of food security? (Contemplate on the politics of food)
In 2050 I really hope that there is no such thing a food insecurity. But in today’s society, it doesn’t feel like that’s really possible with all other aspect in the world and how difficult it is to implement programs depending on a country’s government, or through the UN without impinging on someone’s sovereignty… Then again, 32 years sounds like just enough time to break through those barriers and build the bridges. Today the world has enough resources and money to feed everyone, but of course, why would people want to help their fellow man when it costs money… However, the world is changing, we are an inventive group who want to see change.
Through this class I’ve seen some crazy and incredible innovations. Some in regards to education and implementing more enviro/sustainability education throughout canadian education systems, or in regards to hydro/aero/aquaponics being systems being built in low income towns, or towns without ready access to fresh food, or building these systems in apartment complex’s. Also of course laws and systems regarding food waste being addressed and implemented all over the world.
Looking at the progress we have made, and are currently making, I have high hopes for 2050. We have the ideas, innovations, money/resources and the drive, so by 2050, everyone will be food secure … 32 years is a long enough time to be able to implement changes around the world. The difficult thing is invasion, and sovereignty and acceptance. But I think it can, and will be done.
How do you imagine your future self to be within this context?
I hope that by this time I’ll have contributed what I can/could to the solution. I really `have become invested in the challenge through this class and I really hope that it’s not something I forget over time. In 2050, I should be proud of the strides I’ve made and what I have accomplished.
What are your dreams and goals for yourself, academic & professional, and the world by then?
My life goals are all over the place, I hope to have been able to travel to many countries, I hope to have gone to law school and practiced for many years by 2050. I hope to have been featured in National Geographic for something in regards to sustainability, or human rights (or both)… by the time 2050 roles around, I hope that I am comfortable, but still content, and of course willing to help where I can.
What obstacles you, local and global communities need to overcome to achieve these dreams and goals?
The only obstacles I face in regards to these dreams and goals are the aspect of growing in experience with time. The more I learn, the less daunting this obstacle is.
What specific actions you took to achieve your dreams and goals?
So far, I’m on the right track. I’m getting an education, and I’m growing in my photography.
What do you hope to be doing or have achieved regarding the global challenge of “Feeding 9 Billion People”?
I hope that I will have helped influence the adoption of different legislation throughout Canada and it’s provinces in regards to food waste. I think that legislation is the fastest and most effective (when done properly) way to make the necessary changes in countries around the world.
Where do you stand now (the year 2050) regarding the challenge of “Feeding 9 Billion People”?
Right now we’ve started the conversation. We’ve talked to all the right people in Calgary and are in the process of writing a proposal draft of the bylaw, and have just finished the documentary! Council members and members of the community have expressed their interest in looking into our project.
Will you still be having the same passion for the global challenge of “Feeding 9 Billion People”? Why?
I sure hope so!
I don’t think this issue should be forgotten until it’s solved.
How did the course change your preliminary perspective on complex challenges? Problem-solving?
It has really helped me understand how easy it is to reach out, and that if you’re passionate people will listen. Although the issue itself is incredibly complex and packed with so many micro issues, there are solutions, whether already in place or currently undiscovered. We know that think global act local has an incredible impact, and just might be the biggest thing to take away. The problem is big, and just because you can’t solve the whole thing, doesn’t mean you can’t contribute. Just because you can’t solve every side of the rubik’s cube, doesn’t mean you can’t make one colour.
My final question is, did the domino effect work? Did Calgary implement the bylaw, and did that influence a chain reaction in North American cities?
Megan Koevoet, April 1st 2018