
With our documentary, we’ve been in contact with about 10 different companies/organizations. And about 7 have gotten back to us with interest, willing to help out with the project. Excitedly, we had already set up 4 interviews (Wednesday the 7th, Thursday the 8th, Friday the 9th, and Monday the 12th). However to due to miscommunication and horrible road conditions our first 3 interviews have been cancelled (however, in the process of being rescheduled). Now of course, all of these occurrences are out of my control, but it’s terribly frustrating. A sense of defeat has set and we haven’t even started filming. And because I’m out of the province for about 10 days we won’t be able to resume filming until the last week of February leading into March. With this I will have to step out of my comfort zone and rely on more people. Hopefully things will kickstart again at the end of February.