Survey Results

At the beginning of our final project I had put together a little 4 question survey, and shared it on Facebook to get a little bit of feedback about how and why people are wasting food, and if they compost.

We weren’t able to integrate these statistics into our final presentation, nevertheless, I got some interesting number.

Here is the survey, and the answers of 100 respondants:

Do you compost household food waste?
Yes – 38.00%
No – 41.00%
Sometimes – 19.00%
Not Applicable – 2.00%

On average how much of your household waste is food based? (To the best of your knowledge)
(0-20%) – 38.38%
(20-40%) – 35.35%
(40-60%) – 19.19%
(60-80%) – 5.05%
(80-100%) – 2.02%

What is your definition of food waste?
Food that is discarded or uneaten – 42.42%
Food that looks gross – 1.01%
Leftovers – 1.01%
Inedible food (i.e trimmings, bones etc) – 26.26%
All of the above – 29.29%
None of the above – 0.00%

What is the biggest reason you waste food? (Select all that apply)
It’s past due, or almost past due – 61.00%
It’s inedible – 73.00%
It looks gross/ you don’t like it – 31.00%
You are allergic or intolerant – 5.00%
You don’t want to bring home leftovers – 10.00%