EDU Strategic Planning Process

The EDU set the goal of having a 3-year strategic plan in place by July 2015 to guide our practices and approaches.  The plan will be used to strengthen our individual and collective ability to build teaching and learning capacity at the University of Calgary.

The process of creating the strategic plan began with the formation of the EDU Strategic Planning Committee (SPC) in late August 2014. The SPC designed a one-year consultative process that engaged and represented the interests and need of all members and groups of the EDU (see timeline presented in Table 1 below).The committee met biweekly to plan, ensure timelines were met and to collaboratively lead the EDU through the planning process. Through reviewing strategic plans from other education development centres, the committee identified the need for a responsive and flexible living plan that is continuously shaped to meaningfully inform everyday practices, activities and approaches.  The EDU was engaged early with a collaborative effort to establish a baseline of existing EDU practices. Next the committee planned and facilitated an initial retreat in September 2014 that informed the writing of the EDU vision, mission and principles of practice. Two more retreats in January and April 2015 brought together the EDU to define goals, actions and strategies and finally to develop an assessment plan. After each of the retreats the committee met to summarize the outcomes and then gather feedback from the entire EDU to ensure the interests and needs of all members and groups were reflected in the plan (see Figure 1).

Table 1: Timeline for Developing the EDU Strategic Plan

Task Timeline People

Review other strategic planning documents to determine what we like and what we would improve upon


End of August Strategic Planning Committee (SPC)

Prepare for EDU visioning retreat

End of August SPC

Conduct an inventory and baseline of existing EDU practices

End of August SPC and all members of EDU

Develop an EDU fall strategic planning retreat plan

September SPC

Facilitate and participate in EDU strategic planning retreat (e.g. our vision, mission and principles of practice)

October SPC and all members of EDU

Summarize outcomes of EDU strategic planning retreat

November SPC

Consult with EDU groups to gather feedback on outcomes of Strategic Planning Retreat #1

November SPC and all members of EDU

Refine Principles, Vision and Mission

December SPC

Plan for EDU retreat #2 (Goals, Strategies and Actions)

December SPC

Facilitate and Participate in EDU Retreat #2 – Priorities, Strategies, Goals

January SPC

Consult with EDU groups to gather feedback on outcomes of second strategic planning Retreat

February SPC and all members of the EDU

Refine EDU Goals, Actions and Strategies

March SPC

Develop an EDU Retreat #3 – Developing an Assessment Plan

March SPC

EDU retreat #3  (Developing an Assessment Plan)

April SPC and all members of the EDU

Draft final Strategic Plan


Consult with EDU and others to gather feedback on the almost final product

June SPC and all members of the EDU (potentially key members of the academic community as well)

Complete and make public the EDU Strategic Plan

July SPC
EDU Strategic Planning Process diagram
Figure 1: EDU Strategic Planning Flowchart