Creating Your ePortfolio Site

1. Creating an account and login
To create an account, please go to
2. Setting your password (optional)
If you prefer to log in directly to your ePortfolio site without authenticating via UofC CAS, you can create your password by going to Howdy, “Your Name” (in the top right corner) > Edit My Profile > Account Management > New Password > Generate Password.
3. Creating a New Site
  1. Go to the main dashboard
  2. Go to My Sites > Add New. If your dashboard is blank and do not see “My Sites” link, go to to create a new site.
  3. Enter your desired site name and site title and click Submit. If the site name is available, your site will be on line at<your-site-name>.
4. Creating a Front Page
  1. Go to Dashboard of your site and Pages > Add New.
  2. After the page is published, go to Settings > Reading.
  3. Set “Front Page Displays” to “A Static Page”. In the drop down menu for Front Page, select the page you wish to use as the front page.
5. Creating and/or editing a Menu
To create a new menu or edit the existing menu, go to Your site Dashboard > Appearance > Menus.
6. Selecting a Theme
To change the theme of your website, go to Your site Dashboard > Appearance > Themes. You can preview your site by clicking on Live Preview button of the theme before activating it. Click on Activate button to use the theme for your website.
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