
Plicker is the perfect tool to collect classroom feedback without the need for student devices. It has been used widely in K-12. How about using it in higher education? It is a bit prep work to prepare the Plicker card for multiple answers but instructors can reuse them. And the best thing is, instructors can instantly see who selects what answer, which is not exposed to student peers. It is still fairly low risk for students to make mistakes but huge opportunity for inform teaching.

Office Mix

When you would like to add audio to your PowerPoint slide and Adobe Presenter is not compatible with your newest format of PowerPoint, try Office Mix. It is a free add-in for PowerPoint 2013, easy to make and easy to share. I am planning to get my newest PowerPoint 2013 and can’t wait to make my first Office Mix.


Flipgrid ( is designed to further student classroom conversation and discussion in a fun and interactive way. The ability to share ideas, opinions, and thoughts in 90 seconds or less is what makes the tool so unique and why, in this integration document, we focus on a more exploratory approach to creating discussion questions/prompts. While Flipgrid can be used to demonstrate students’ factual knowledge on a topic, we encourage you to create more reflective, open-ended questions to enhance their critical thinking skills. The beauty of Flipgrid is that it puts students on a level playing field which keeps them from feeling embarrassed or left out. For example, if you have students that require varying levels of instruction, the questions you pose can be general enough to tailor to their individual needs. The opportunities for generating meaningful discourse are endless and this guide will help you think about forming questions in new and creative ways while also tailoring them to your classroom needs.



Notes from the Keynote speaker from the Teaching Professor Technology Conference

More content = more learning?

What can we learn from teaching online?

  1. Step away from the lectern (it is hard to lecture in an online course)
  2. Let the students do the heavy lifting: sense of responsibility; deeper understanding; student-centred content; consideration of audience
  3. Keep it real: authenticity increases motivation; motivation is critical for engagement
  4. Make time for writing reflection
  5. Actively teach Information literacy: To under how learning is structured, actively teach information literacy and let the students discover the weakness and the strength
  6.  Foster social connection: immediacy behaviours improve learning outcomes; “online I have so many more opportunities to connect every single students.”
  7. Use common sense(s): we learn best when using multiple senses; visual images are more powerful than words

Keynote speaker: Marie K. Norman

With Marie